Tara Reid
Tara Reid began her career as a commercialist when she was a young child. She earned a name for herself in Saved by the Bell: The New Class. She's played her characters flawlessly, despite the criticism. In The Big Lebowski, Bunny was her first big role. It was a great debut for her career and it led to better part in films like Urban Legend and Cruel Intentions. But it is American Pie the cult movie about teenagers and sexual encounters that put Reid in the spotlight as a promising actress on the horizon in Hollywood in her part as virgin Vicky. This did not lead to the big successful Hollywood career. Reid did not make it famous in Hollywood through films like Josie and the Pussycats. Her career waned despite a small role on the film American Pie 2. Reid is known as a celebrity party-goer as well as a designer than an actual actress. her offscreen flimsies and publicized cosmetic surgeries has led her to be an unpopular actor.

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